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What are we supposed to do about the pandemic?


What are we supposed to do about the pandemic?

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Unfortunately, there are so many nonprofits that had to shut down their fundraising events due to the pandemic, and as a result, these organizations are hurting as we end the year.

I have four tips to help you with your annual giving letter.

  1. Send your annual fundraising letter before Thanksgiving
  2. Segment your donors, and ask for larger amounts from those who potentially can give larger amounts; and smaller amounts from those who can give smaller amounts.
  3. Include WHY you need the money and HOW you are going to invest their dollars, as opposed to begging for money.
  4. Send a letter via postal mail in addition to email, especially to those high-end donors.

The next months will be tough, so make sure you are updating people on a consistent basis, and telling them what you’re doing, the difference you’re making and how their money will be well invested.

If you need any help with any of the above, you can always reach out to us here at Sharity, and you can reach out to me at We will thrilled to help you draft that end of the year giving campaign letter or figure out how to segment your donors.