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Carol Wick, CEO, Sharity
DOUBLE-DEALING EXECUTIVES: What do the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the National Rifle Association have in common? We found out. State attorneys general found both nonprofits — unchecked for years — to be “fraught with fraud and abuse.” Like FCADV’s Tiffany Carr, the NRA’s top executives allegedly used millions in charitable funds for private gain and reimbursement scams, awarded contracts to friends to ensure loyalty, and punished whistleblowers. In New York, the attorney general is suing to dissolve the NRA; in Florida, the FCADV was dissolved this spring. The sirens are blaring. The days of double-dealing executives using nonprofits as their personal piggy banks are over.

Looking ahead: POLICE AND PROSECUTION: When it comes to preventing homicides in domestic violence cases, successful police intervention and prosecution make all the difference. Although advocates perform a critical service, their role is to help victims after the fact. Before voting for state attorney and sheriff in the upcoming elections, keep in mind your decisions have significant implications. More than ever, we need individuals in office willing to break the mold, assess the latest research, and act accordingly.