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Carol Wick, CEO, Sharity
Last week: A STEP BACK ON ABUSE: Donna’s Law marked a new era for Florida in the protection of children from sexual abuse. Unfortunately, Florida also took a step back when Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeal overturned a ruling granting Sen. Lauren Book — a victims’ rights advocate who survived sexual abuse as a child — a cyberstalking injunction against a convicted child sex offender. I must echo Judge Melanie May — who was joined in the dissent by the only other woman on the court — when she wrote, “Must we wait until someone commits some violent act before our system can protect its citizens?”
Looking ahead: PHILANTHROPY PRIORITIES: When the pandemic hit, foundations and philanthropists set aside normal rules and swung into action — giving more faster. Then George Floyd was murdered, and the world took to the streets to protest racism and police brutality. Again, philanthropy was challenged to shift. Not just in its giving, but in addressing institutional racism in philanthropy. There can be no more “lip service” and falling back into “business as usual.” Bringing about lasting change will require more than talking. It requires more listening, meaningful action, and taking a closer look at where the money is going.