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Case Study: Chiropractic Future – A Visionary Strategic Plan

The Client

The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (ChiroCongress), comprises more than 85,000 professionals and over 40 associations committed to ensuring the advancement of the profession and improving patient access to chiropractic services.

The Project

Sharity was engaged to collaborate with to develop their first strategic plan. To achieve this, Sharity oversaw extensive data collection, including focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and working groups with nearly 4,000 individuals who participated on this process. Sharity set up a structure, started ChiroCongress’s nonprofit and political action committee, and assisted in recruiting nonprofit staff.

The Results

Sharity oversaw the development of their initial fundraising plan, and their first capital campaign. Two years later, the plan has been implemented and is actively moving forward. A ChiroCongress  ellowship
was recently established at Dartmouth College within their Geisel School of Medicine.

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