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How can I transition my nonprofit from being all volunteer-based to paid positions?


How can I transition my nonprofit from being all volunteer-based to paid positions?

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How can I transition my nonprofit from being all volunteer-based to paid positions? so this is a really common question, because a lot of nonprofits have been run by volunteers. a lot of times it’s the founder, but they’ve reached a point where they realized they really have to have a paid position, whether that’s a social worker or an executive director or even just an accountant, but they need to start having staff that are paid.

So how do I do that? well, the most important thing is to have a plan in place about how you’re growing your organization. how are you going to take it from the stage that it’s at now to that next stage? how much money is that going to cost? and what are you going to be accomplishing?

And finally stepping back and saying, “okay, how are you going to fund this?” because ultimately, at the end of the day, it can’t be about a one-time donation. it has to be about an ongoing revenue stream for your organization that’s going to sustain those employees and their expenses, so that you aren’t turning over staff when you don’t have the cash flow.

So step back, think your way through that business plan. I know you hear me say that a lot, but that piece of planning and investment of time will make all the difference in helping you scale your organization from all volunteer to a healthy, sustained paid staff that are going to grow your mission. if you need some help, our sharity accelerator is a great place to start or we have lots of free tips and tools and videos in our knowledge center. so head on over to ‘‘ or dm us here and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you have.